Press release regarding question and statement on validity and legality of issuance of electronic signature by certification authority IDDEEA

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Lately we have witnessed reactions and publications of numerous information by certain institutions that express doubts in legality of issuance of electronic signatures in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the first place by Certificatory IDDEEA, that aroused interest of public.

Respecting the fact that great number of information and even allegations on illegal actions regarding issuance of electronic signature have been made publicly, we, as a ministry competent for keeping register of certification authorities, accreditations and audit in accordance with Law on Electronic Signature (“Official Journal of BiH” No. 91/06) must provide certain clarifications in the release.

Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina acts exclusively on professional basis, and we do not represent, protect or undermine interests of any party or institution, and we perform our tasks and obligations in our jurisdiction legally, even those related to works regarding information society including works and obligations derived from provisions of Law on Electronic Signature. This valid Law from 2006 regulates basics of establishment and usage of electronic signature and provision of services regarding electronic signature and certification. Separate organizational unit has been established in the Ministry that handle operations of accreditation and audit as well as maintenance of register of certification authorities.

IDDEEA is signed in register of certification authorities that maintain Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting from 15 April 2022, under number 3. According to EU Regulation No 910/2015 EIDAS and audit performed on 30 September 2021, it is proved that all equipment, services and processes in IDDEEA intended for issuance of electronic certificates, that is qualified certificates, fully meet standards and measures proscribed by above stated Regulation.

IDDEEA has develop Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and, as certification authority regarding Law on Electronic Signature (“Official Journal of BiH” No. 91/06) has been recognized as a certificatory that provides services of issuance of qualified and nonqualified electronic certificates, management of lifecycle of electronic certificates and issuance of qualified electronic timestamps under the name: Certification authority IDDEEA. IDDEEA performs issuance of qualified electronic certificates in accordance with legal regulations, by-laws and instructions of Certification authority IDDEEA that regulate this area. Legal framework for issuance of qualified electronic certificates of Certification authority IDDEEA include following laws and by-laws: Law on Electronic Signature (“Official Journal of BiH” No. 91/06), Law on Electronic Document (“Official Journal of BiH” No. 58/14), Rulebook on detailed conditions for issuance of qualified certificates (“Official Journal of BiH” No. 14/17).

All above stated actions IDDEEA performs in fully legal manner and based on valid regulations. One of the most important procedures for legal issuance of qualified certificates is implementation of procedures for certification regarding operations of issuance of qualified certificates in accordance with valid Law on Electronic Signature and eIDAS Regulation. During November 2023 procedure based on which IDDEEA holds status of accredited certification authority in Register of certification authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been performed and all based on SOQ certificate EIDAS 009/2023 which is valid since 3 November 2025 as well as other evidence and documentation that is delivered in the procedure concerned.

Certification house SIQ from Ljubljana – the Republic of Slovenia, on 30 April 2024, has made final Auditors' reports on carried out certification audit OSV eIDAS 580-2024 that confirms that IDDEEA has implemented TSP service components that control remote QSCD/SCDev.

Stated auditors' report filly confirms that implemented system for issuance of qualified digital certificates for remote signing meets all conditions established by valid laws, rules, standards and eIDAS regulation.

Based on that, Ministry of Communications and Transport of BiH has confirmed harmonization of documentation of certification authority IDDEEA and according to that Auditors Report OSV eIDAS 580-2024 dated 30 April 2024 and Practice rules for provision of certification practices of Certification authority IDDEEA (Certification Practices Statement - CPS) dated 17 January 2024 are in accordance with the Law.

Having in mind the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina is significantly late in processes of digital transformation, and having in mind the fact that in the previous period in European Union procedures of improvement of regulations related to electronic certificates and trust services have been carried out, the Ministry takes additional efforts to start activities and develop new regulations that will significantly affect electronic services and development of digital society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We welcome all steps forward of any institution at any government level in Bosnia and Herzegovina that contribute to mentioned goals.

In the end, we would like to emphasize that, until these processes are finished, Bosnia and Herzegovina have valid Law on Electronic Signature according to which four accredited certification authorities have been signed in the Register of certification authorities led by the Office for Supervision and Accreditation in the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These certification authorities, including IDDEEA are responsible for issuance of qualified electronic certificates, that is electronic signature, legally and in accordance with valid regulations and it'll stay that way until they ask to leave register of certification authorities or until audit procedure establishes otherwise.




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