16 years on, driving licences from BiH will be recognised in Italy

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Today, after 16 years of work on the text, the Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Forto, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Mr Marco di Ruzza, signed the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Driving Licences between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Italy.

Minister Forto thanked Ambassador Di Ruzza and the Government of the Republic of Italy for having done something that other countries do not consider a priority, and which is of great importance for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens.

“This should serve as an example of good cooperation, but also the motive for other European countries that have not yet responded positively to our initiative for the recognition of driving licences”, said Minister Forto.

Signing of the Agreement will facilitate the life of BiH citizens living and working in Italy, especially if their work involves driving a motor vehicle.

“The mobility sector is of fundamental importance for the citizens of the two countries who are brought even closer by this Agreement. Its singing is not only an instrument of technical nature, but also the bridge that will strengthen the ties between BiH and Italy and give impetus to our bilateral relations”, said Ambassador Di Ruzza.

Under the Agreement, the Contracting Parties mutually recognise valid driving licences for the benefit of their owners who acquire permanent residence in the territory of the other country.

A driving licence issued by the competent authorities of one Contracting Party cease to be valid in the territory of the other Contracting Party one year after its owner acquires the right of permanent residence in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

The Agreement shall enter into force 60 days after its ratification by both countries.

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