About unit


  • Performing tasks related to preparation and implementation of legislation in connection with the establishment and well-functioning of international and inter-entity road, railroad, air and pipeline transportation;
  • Participating in development of bilateral agreements with other countries sharing common interest in transport of goods and passengers, and its proper implementation;
  • Preparing the conclusion of international contracts and agreements on international transportation;
  • Cooperating with other countries and international organisations of which Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member;
  • Arranging exchange of bilateral and ECMT licenses, as well as other permits used in international transport;
  • Distributing ECMT licenses to the national carriers;
  • Issuing permits for international and inter-entity carriers of passengers and goods;
  • Harmonising international and inter-entity driving timetables and setting-up basic principles and coordination of activities;
  • Cooperating on issues of transportation with the countries participating in the Stability Pact;
  • Cooperating with competent entity authorities and Brčko District of BiH.

Unit news

Ministar Forto insists on facilitations for professional drivers from BiH

Within the Green Mobility Summit, the Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Forto, held a meeting with the Director-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission Magdam Kopczyńska, and asked her to support the initiative to exempt BiH professional drivers from the EU Regulation requiring third-country national to stay maximum 90 days in the EU within a period of 180 days, in the same manner as airplane fleets and maritime fleets are exempt, and emphasised that he would not give up on this request.


Forto: Public transport is the key to green mobility

“Following the regional Summit on Digital Transformation, in which we connected the entire region with the EU and discussed the most important aspects of digital transformation, I am proud that today we have the Summit on Green Mobility and Transport, organised by the Transport Community.


Participation of civil society in infrastructure projects and transport policies

“There is not enough analysis on the public funds expenditure. Therefore, we need involvement of civil society as we need independent analyses and verifiable facts that are presented in media. Civil society should educate the citizens on the processes concerning public funds expenditure”, said the Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Forto, in his address at the Fifth Social Forum within the Transport Community Green Mobility Summit which is held in Sarajevo.


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