Border crossings with Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro soon to be completed and opened

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BiH Minister of Communications and Transport, Vojin Mitrović, met today in Banja Luka with the Director of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority, Miro Džakula, to discuss the completion and opening of border crossings with Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro as soon as possible.

“When it comes to the Bratunac border crossing, the completion of works is planned on 30 June, followed by technical approval and obtaining of operational permit in July, which would mean that the border crossing can be put into operation for a trial period by end of July. Completion of works at the Svilaj border crossing is planned for 15 July, after which a technical approval and operational permit are to be completed within 45 days, while putting into operation for a trial period and full functioning of this border crossing could be planned by mid-August. Categorisation, which is the precondition for putting this border crossing into operation, has not been done yet" said Minister Mitrović after the meeting.

It was agreed that competent institutions need to launch an initiative for the categorisation of the Svilaj border crossing, given that the Republic of Croatia has already completed the border crossing on its part, as well as the highway on that section of the road.

The Vardište joint border crossing was also discussed at the meeting and it was agreed on the necessity to build a highway route on this section in order to determine the position of the joint border crossing, with the participation of the Republic of Serbia as well.

They also discussed joint border crossings with Montenegro, namely Klobuk and Zupci, which, according to the Agreement on border crossings, Bosnia and Herzegovina has committed to build.

It was concluded at the meeting that all future border crossings planned to be constructed, including the existing ones, should be a joint undertaking due to savings and acceleration of the flow of goods and passengers.

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