Bridge over the Sava River near Gradiška connected

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BiH Minister of Communications and Transport, Vojin Mitrović, attended the solemn ceremony of connecting the bridge over the Sava River near Gradiška together with the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia, Tomislav Mihotić, and the Head of the Cooperation at the European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Stefan Eller.

“The bridge on the Sava River near Gradiška is one of the most important infrastructure projects we are currently implementing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We waited for over a decade to connect the two river banks and now the bridge will connect us with the European Union and the network of the European road corridors. That is why today I will officially submit the initiative, which was already launched in July at the Ministerial meeting in Ljubljana, to make a joint, integrated border-crossing on the BiH side. This would allow police, customs and other controls to be carried out on one side, as a one-stop-shop. The initiative will be forwarded to the European Commission, the Transport Community and the Republic of Croatia, with which we already have an agreement. An integrated crossing would be also useful for Croatia by reducing its construction costs, whereas the border-crossing, with some minor modifications, would be put into full function as soon as possible" said Minister Mitrović.

State Secretary Mihotić expressed satisfaction with the Gradiška bridge being connected, as it is very important for both the BiH and the Croatian side.

“Apart from improving connectivity between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the bridge will facilitate and speed up crossing of the border. Its significance also lies in the fact that it connects to the corridor that represents the transversal connection between the Central Europe and the Adriatic Sea. Such projects are largely important for both countries’ economic development, and the recently opened Svilaj Bridge will also contribute to that. The construction of all the bridges is the testimony of the continued joint cooperation and even stronger interconnection between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina" said the State Secretary Mihotić.

As the Head of Cooperation Ellero noted, the Gradiška Bridge is one of 13 investment grants approved by the European Union worth over EUR 225 mil., adding that the EU would continue to actively support this project and the development of the Corridor Vc, thus encouraging regional cooperation and better connectivity with the EU.

The Gradiška Bridge will connect the BiH motorway with the planned expressway in Croatia, which would run from the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina via Virovitica and Okučani to the border with Hungary. For the implementation of the project, Bosnia and Herzegovina used UMTS special purpose program funds and the WBIF grant, while the Republic of Croatia used its own and non-refundable EU funds.

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