Mitrović and Mihajlović signed agreements between BiH and Serbia on the construction of a joint border crossing Bratunac and maintenance of road interstate bridges

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BiH Minister of Communications and Transport, Vojin Mitrović, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, Zorana Mihajlović, signed two Agreements today: Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia on the Construction of the Joint Border Crossing Bratunac and the Agreement on the Maintenance and Reconstruction of Road Interstate Bridges.

“The signing of these Agreements is a very important moment for the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Bratoljub Bridge was completed in 2017, but it was not before December 2019 that the political positions of the three peoples were agreed on and the situation was resolved due to inability of the Serb representatives at the time to provide through the Council of Ministers additional funds for the construction of the Bratunac GP in the amount of 3.5 million. KM, that the new convocation of the Council of Ministers did already at its first session. The construction of the new border crossing Bratunac, which is the first category GP, will certainly relieve traffic pressure on the Zvornik and Rača border crossings, but also connect the two countries even more. This joint border crossing will to the large extent accelerate the traffic of goods and passengers, to the satisfaction of all" said Minister Mitrović

The Agreement on the maintenance of the bridges stipulates that BiH will be in charge of maintaining five bridges, three over the Sava and two over the Uvac, while Serbia will maintain six bridges over the Drina. Funds for the maintenance of bridges in the amount of 850,000 KM have been provided for the next year through the budget of the BiH Council of Ministers, whereas for the next five years Bosnia and Herzegovina will allocate 4.5 million KM.  

“An increasing number of joint projects are good news for the citizens of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also for the entire region, because infrastructure and connectivity are the preconditions for faster development. The new bridge over the Drina between Ljubovija and Bratunac will be of benefit both for the citizens and the economy, and that is why it is important that the joint border crossing is operational as soon as possible. Also, the Agreement we signed today allows us to begin maintaining other interstate bridges as well, for which Serbia has already earmarked 15 million euros in the next three years.

It is also important that we, as the region, get connected both by motorways and railways, because that means faster development, new investments and better life for citizens. By starting the construction of the Belgrade-Sarajevo Motorway, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have set out on that path, and I believe that the outcome of such connectivity will be a better future for all people living in this area, regardless of which nation they belong to," said Minister Mihajlović. 

After signing the Agreements, Minister Mitrović and Minister Mihajlović jointly visited the construction site.

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