Agreement on Construction of Bridge over Tara River including the connecting border sections signed by Ministers Mitrović and Bojanić

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Following a bilateral meeting, Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Vojin Mitrovic and Minister of Capital Investments of Montenegro Mr Mladen Bojanic signed an agreement on construction of the bridge on the Tara River including the connecting border sections, on the margins of the 4th Ministerial Council of the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat.

“After years-long negotiations, we have finally signed today the Agreement on the construction of the bridge situated on the SEETO 2b route that will connect two countries, that is two peoples. Financial assets required for the construction of this bridge have been already provided so that we expect for the construction works to commence by the end of this year. At the same time, the construction of this bridge means the beginning of the construction of the Foča-Šćepan Polje road section. In the period ahead, the Ministry headed by me will work to provide financing of the mentioned section's construction resulting in better connectivity between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. When it comes to trade, economic and tourism development, the construction of the said bridge and road section will benefit the whole region, Minister Mitrović said.

The meeting which took place in Brdo pri Kranju was hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union and it gathered ministers of six Western Balkans partners, the European Commission and representatives of EU Member States.The main point on the agenda was the endorsement of Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility for Western Balkans and strengthening cooperation on cross border connectivity in the region and with the EU.

“The region suffers from high levels of greenhouse emissions caused by energy and transport sectors. Transport represents 16% of these emissions. I am pleased that Western Balkans ministers endorsed today the strategic documents that will address these challenges. Our Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy for Western Balkans will prave the way to cleaner transport and be one of the key drivers of transport policy in the region. The Strategy will assist our regional partners to develop and strengthen their national strategies - with the final goal to make transport greener, sustainable, and healthier for the citizens of the region,” Transport Community Permanent Secretariat Director Matej Zakonjsek said.

Transport Community’s Action Plan for Waterborne Transport and Multimodality was also endorsed at the meeting. The Action Plan promotes multimodal transport solutions and modal a shift, through targeted policies, including investments in inland waterways and maritime ports Bar and Durrës. By committing to its implementation, the regional participants will together strive towards creating stronger multimodal transport systems and increasing the waterborne dimension of the transport eco system in the period 2021 - 2025

The meeting in Brdo pri Kranju was also an opportunity to review progress on extension of Green Lanes to the borders between the EU and the Western Balkans. Green Lanes in Western Balkans were established at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak to prevent shortages of essential goods and medical equipment. Their launch was one of the most successful examples of regional cooperation, managing to preserve trade flows, not only for economic benefits, but also for effective fight against the pandemic.

Working for the benefit of Western Balkans is also reflected in Transport Community’s dedication to making roads in the region safer together with international partners, most notably Mr Jean Todt, the United Nations Special Envoy for Road Safety, who supported the inauguration of the first phase of Transport Community’s Road Safety Observatory.

Minister Mitrović also had a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, Tomislav Momirović with whom he discussed construction of an airport in Trebinje, a bridge near Bajina Bašta and the motorway Sarajevo-Belgrade.

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