Minister Mitrović Opened International Conference “New Trends in Transport and Communications Technologies “

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BiH Minister of Communications and Transport, Vojin Mitrović, opened the International Conference “New Trends in Transport and Communications Technologies” held in Sarajevo 26 – 27 May under the auspices of the Ministry.

Minister Mitrović noted that we are witnessing that digitalisation has become a turning point in the business operations for various industries, and that the digital transformation has not bypassed the postal sector either.

"Introduction and strengthening of digitalisation of postal services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the context of trusted services and the use of qualified electronic signatures as well as strengthening cyberspace, are of great importance and the necessary minimum to establish trust among all participants in digital postal services" said Mitrović, adding that the transformation of postal services digitalisation in BiH is in its early stage and the postal operators are putting great efforts to adapt to the global trends of digital transformation.

The Conference has gathered a large number of eminent professors, scientists and experts in the field of transport and communications from the region and beyond. Among the keynote speakers are Vice President of the Universal Postal Union, Marjan Oswald, and Vice Chairman of the European Committee for Postal Regulation (CERP), Nikola Trubint. The Sarajevo Canton Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth, Alekandra Nikolić, and the Rector of the Sarajevo University, Rifat Škrijelj, also attended the opening of the Conference.

One of the key goals of the Conference is to promote innovative solutions in the transport and communications sectors, while networking scientific and practical resources. The thematic focus and working subtitle of this year's Conference is "Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development in Postal and Logistics Systems".

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