Minister Mitrović sent the request to the Republic of Croatia to cancel police escorting and formation of convoys in international transport of goods

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Due to the spread of coronaviruses and COVID-19 disease, countries are taking one-sided measures to put the situation under control as much as possible. Thus, at the level of the European Union and the Western Balkans, all activities have been undertaken to exclude international road haulage from measures and restrictions in order to slightly mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic by supplying goods in this difficult situation.

It is for these reasons that the Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vojin Mitrović, has sent today an appealed to the Government of the Republic of Croatia to cancel police escorting and formation of convoys in the international traffic of goods, considering that, based on the decision of the Crisis Management Committee of the Republic of Croatia, three international border crossings between the two countries were determine for the international transit of goods across the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

In his letter, Minister Mitrović informed Oleg Butković, the Minister of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia that the BiH Council of Ministers adopted the Joint Proposal prepared by the Joint Secretariat of the Transport Community and the CEFTA Secretariat with the aim of facilitating transport and trade of basic necessities with the Western Balkans in accordance with Point 15 of the Communication of the European Commission of 23 March 2020.

Minister Mitrović also asked the Government of the Republic of Croatia to jointly enable all drivers, who stand as the only pillar of defence of our economy in such extremely difficult situation, to carry out with dignity an extremely difficult job under these circumstances, welcoming the efforts of the Croatian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina who has been personally involved in addressing the problems with the aim of normalisation of the situation.   

Namely, due to the decision of the Republic of Croatia to continue to organise police escorts and convoys, the businesses and carriers from Bosnia and Herzegovina engaged in international road transport of goods are still facing long delays and waiting, as well as carriers from other countries transiting Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Minister Mitrović thanked for the efforts made so far by the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, headed by Minister Butković, to normalise the road transport of goods, stressing the need for joint efforts to be made, thus raising cooperation to a higher level. He noted that as of this morning, the Republic of Serbia completely cancelled police escorting and forming convoys in the international traffic of goods after the appeal sent two days ago.

Finally, Minister Mitrović suggested taking concrete measures to stabilise freight traffic, namely: that transit of cargo vehicles through the territory of the Republic of Croatia takes place without forming convoys via clearly defined green corridors; to enable cargo vehicles to use the Šamac border for transit through the territory of the Republic of Croatia for any country of destination; to consider opening of a transit corridor through the Izačić border crossing. These would be appropriate steps necessary to be taken to the satisfaction of both parties that do not cause any disruption on either side.

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