Mitrović – Ibrahimović Bilateral Meeting: Most Important Joint Project is Revitalisation and Modernisation of Route via Šćepan Polje

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During the Transport Community Ministerial Council Meeting held in Priština, BiH Minister of Communications and Transport, Vojin Mitrović, held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Capital Investments of Montenegro Ervin Ibrahimović.

They agreed that today’s meeting is the confirmation of good bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries, testified by the lack of open issues between BiH and Montenegro.

Minister Mitrović informed his Montenegrin colleague of the activities that Bosnia and Herzegovina has undertaken so far and intends to undertake in future when it comes to this road route.

“Citizens moving within this area expect revitalisation and modernisation of the road via Šćepan Polje, since the area has a huge potential for the development of tourism. Therefore, road infrastructure must provide faster, safer and more comfortable flow of people and goods” said Minister Mitrović.

Minister Ibrahimović noted on a number of projects that have been on the agenda of talks between the two countries for a long time and its necessity to speed up their implementation.

“Every year, Montenegro records an increase in number of tourists from BiH, thus creating more obligation to intensify our actions to improve road infrastructure. Although significant resources are required for the project, I believe that it is one of the priorities of cooperation between Montenegro and BiH” said Minister Ibrahimović.

Both Ministers used the opportunity to exchange views on the revitalisation and modernisation of the Nikšić - Trebinje - Čapljina rail route for which the Feasibility Study has already been prepared and may serve as the initial step towards its implementation.

Given the increase in number of tourists from BiH, a need to establish airlines between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, especially during the summer season, was also discussed.

Ministers Mitrović and Ibrahimović agreed on the necessity to establish working groups between the line Ministries in order to move forward with concrete steps towers the implementation of the said project.

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